Tre Wentling, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor WESTBIO
Tre Wentling is an Assistant Professor of Women’s and Ethnic Studies and coordinator of the Gender and Sexualities Studies Undergraduate Certificate. His areas of research and teaching include sexualities and transgender studies.
Dr. Wentling is a co-editor of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: The New Basics, and some of his other publications can be found in The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage, Sexual and Gender Minority Health, Journal of Homosexuality; Trans People in Higher Education; Transgender Studies Quarterly; Teaching Gender and Sex in Contemporary America; and Teaching Sociology.
Wentling’s current work is focused on two main undertakings: first, his book project, which focuses on the legal management strategies among nonbinary-identified and binary-identified people of transgender experience. The second activity includes working in collaboration with project director, Dr. Rushaan Kumar (Colorado College), on The Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ Oral History Project, which addresses the invisibility of Colorado Springs history and activism in mainstream queer history.
Some of his current courses include WEST 2500 Social Justice Through Film; WEST 2750 REEL QT Queer & Trans Media; WEST 3080 Trans* Studies; WEST 3090 Peep Show; WEST 3620 Media and Consumption; WEST 4838 Queering the State and Citizenship; WEST 4030 Bodies, Genders, Sexualities.
When not teaching or researching, you can find him on the dance floor with other West Coast Swing enthusiasts or spending time with his beloved family.
- Ph.D. Sociology & Certificate of Advanced Studies in Gender & Women’s Studies, Syracuse University
- M.A., Sociology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
- B.A., Sociology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Research Areas
Identity, embodiment, agency, trans studies, queer studies, governance, citizenship
Lower Division
- WEST 1010 Introduction to Social Justice Studies
- WEST 2500 Social Justice through Film
- WEST 2750 REEL QT: Queer & Trans Media
Upper Division
- WEST 3080 Trans* Studies
- WEST 3090 Peep Show
- WEST 3620 Media & Consumption
- WEST 3838 Queering the State and Citizenship
- WEST 4030 Bodies, Genders, Sexualities
Select Publications
- Andrew S. London, Carrie Elliott, Rebecca Wang, Tre Wentling, and Natalee Simpson. 2022. “Gender Transition and Same-Sex Marriage: A Qualitative Consideration.” In Aaron Hoy (Ed.), The Social Science of Same-Sex Marriage: LGBT People and Their Relationships in the Era of Marriage Equality. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Wentling, Tre, Carrie Elliot, Andrew S. London, Natalee Simpson, and Rebecca Wang. 2021. “‘Every Now and Then I Get Flagged for a Pap Smear’: Gender Transition, Embodiment and Sex-Specific Cancer Screenings.” Pp. 253–275 in Sexual and Gender Minority Health Advances in Medial Sociology, Vol 21. Allen J. Leblanc and Brea L. Perry, eds. Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI 10.1108/S1057-629020210000021016
- Wentling, Tre. 2021 “Formal Organizations and their Public Restroom Decisions: The Institutional Accomplishment of Gender.” Contemporary Sociology, 50 (5): 367-370.
- Wentling, Tre. 2021. “Naming Practices.” Pp. 559-560 in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies. Genny Beemyn and Abbie Goldberg (eds). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Wentling, Tre. 2019. “Contested Citizenship: Renaming Processes Among People of Transgender Experience.” Journal of Homosexuality Special Issue: What’s in a Name? DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2019.1610634
- Wentling, Tre. 2019. “Trans University Students’ Experiences: Un/Expected Changes and Agentic Responses.” Pp. 117-133 in Trans People in Higher Education. Genny Beemyn, Ed. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- 2024 Inclusive Cultural & Belonging Impact Fund Grant
- 2023 CU President's Fund for the Humanities Grant
- 2022 Undergraduate Research Academy Grant, UCCS
- 2022 Faculty Revitalization Fellowship Program, UCCS
- 2022 GLINT Research Grant, UCCS
- 2021 Undergraduate Research Academy Grant, UCCS
- 2019 Undergraduate Research Academy Grant, UCCS
- 2019 LAS Student-Faculty Research Grant, UCCS
Available upon request