Ilaheva Tua'one, Ph.D

Ilaheva Tua'one, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor WEST
ACAD 409
ACAD 409

Biographical Information

Dr. N.S. ‘Ilaheva Tua’one received her PhD. in British and American Literature from the University of Utah in 2020. She is the new Assistant Professor of Indigenous/Native American Studies in the Women’s and Ethnic Studies Program at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, since 2020. She received an Honor's B.S. in Gender Studies at the University of Utah, and an M.A in English Literature from Northeastern University in Boston, Mass. She was the Inaugural Predoctoral Mellon Pacifika Fellow, and a member of the Pacific Islands Studies Initiative at the University of Utah. Her study interests include 18th-century British and 19th-century American travel literature in Oceania, postcolonialism, decolonization, indigenous theory, and queer theory. Her writing can be found in Strategies for Successful Writing and the Journal Of Undergraduate Honors Theses. As a Tongan-American, she is most proud of a class she developed and teaches called “South Sea Tales.” In her free time, she enjoys cooking, building, collecting, hiking, watching, listening, and concentrating. 'Ilaheva makes her home with her wife, Lucy Terzis, dog Francis Terzis, and cat Marianthi Terzis, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


  • Ph.D., British and American Literature, University of Utah
  • M.A. English Literature, Northeastern University & Certificate, Women’s Studies Honors
  • B.S. Gender Studies & Minor, Philosophy, University of Utah

Research Areas

  • Postcolonial/Global Long Eighteenth-Century Literature
  • Nineteenth-Century Global Travel Narratives
  • Nineteenth-Century American Literature
  • Indigenous Pacific Islands Studies
  • Queer Theory


  • WEST 1010: Introduction to Social Justice Studies
  • WEST 2100: WAP! Women & Protests
  • WEST 3570: South Sea Tales

Select Publications

  • “Seducing with South Sea Tales” Ch. 5 Mini-essay, in Christie Toth’s Upcoming book, Southern Illinois University Press.
  • “Fostering Multiple Identities Through Teaching Cyborg Writing.” Strategies for Successful Writing: A Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader and Handbook, Fifth Canadian Ed., Eds. Reinking, von der Osten, Cairns, and Fleming. Ontario: Pearson Education Canada, 2010.
  • “Embracing the Abject: A Journey to Jouissance.” Journal of Undergraduate Honors Theses. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2006.
  • “HMS Dolphin: The Ship that Lost Its Integrity,” Eighteenth-Century Studies, Special Issue: Eighteenth-Century Indigeneity. Johns Hopkins Press, vol. 56, no. 2 (2022) pp. 261-84.
  • “Tahitian Beaches and London Parlors: Transpacific Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.” Pro-Quest, 2021.


Natalie Ilaheva Tuaone, Ph.D - CV