WEST Faculty / Staff Affiliates
Name | Title | Department | Location | Phone | |
Heather Albanesi, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Sociology | ACAD 407 | (719) 255-4137 | halbanesi@uccs.edu |
Kirsten Bartholomew-Ortega, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | English | COLU 1053 | (719) 255-4034 | kortega@uccs.edu |
Minette Church, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Anthropology | CENT 124 | (719) 255-3064 | mchurch@uccs.edu |
Michelle Companion, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Sociology | ACAD 425 | (719) 255-4141 | mcompani@uccs.edu |
Edgar Cota-Torres, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Languages and Cultures | DWIR 247E | (719) 255-3817 | ecota@uccs.edu |
Lynda Dickson, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Sociology | ACAD 424 | (719) 255-4142 | ldickson@uccs.edu |
Feliciano, Leilani, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Psychology | COLU 4019 | (719) 255-4174 | lfelicia@uccs.edu |
Fernando Feliu-Moggi, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Languages and Cultures | DWIR 247C | (719) 255-3537 | ffeliumo@uccs.edu |
Lesley Ginsberg, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | English | COLU 1025D | (719) 255-4004 | lginsber@uccs.edu |
Marek Grabowski, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Physics | ENGR 216 | (719) 255-3189 | mgrabows@uccs.edu |
Christina Jimenez, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | History | COLU 2059 | (719) 255-4076 | cjimenez@uccs.edu |
Michael Larkin, Ph.D. | Senior Instructor | Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) | COLU 2043 | (719) 255-4064 | mlarkin@uccs.edu |
Rebecca Laroche, Ph.D. | Full Professor | English | COLU 1051 | (719) 255-4035 | rlaroche@uccs.edu |
Stephen Linhart | Dean of Students | Office of Dean of Students | MAIN 320 | (719) 255-3838 | slinhart@uccs.edu |
Lonie McMichael, Ph.D. | Senior Instructor | English | COLU 1046 | (719) 255-4018 | mmcmicha@uccs.edu |
Sylvia Mendez | Chair / Assistant Professor | Leadership, Research & Foundations | COLU 3057 | (719) 255-3476 | smendez@uccs.edu |
Jeffrey Montez de Oca, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Sociology | ACAD 431 | (719) 255-4138 | jmontezd@uccs.edu |
Dorothea Olkowski, Ph.D. | Full Professor | Sociology | COLU 4001 | (719) 255-4086 | dolkowsk@uccs.edu |
Eduardo Portillos, Ph.D. | Associate Professor/Director-Graduate Studies in Sociology | Sociology | ACAD 430 | (719) 255-4143 | eportill@uccs.edu |
Daniel L. Segal, Ph.D. | Full Professor / Director-Clinical Training in Psychology | Psychology | ACAD 4015 | (719) 255-4176 | dsegal@uccs.edu |
Emily Skop, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) | COLU 2021 | (719) 255-3789 | eskop@uccs.edu |
Hilary Smith, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Sociology | ACAD 415 | (719) 255-3128 | hsmith3@uccs.edu |
Kimbra Smith, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Anthropology | CENT 126 | (719) 255-3555 | ksmith5@uccs.edu |
Carmen Stavrositu, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Communication | ACAD 506 | (719) 255-4024 | cstavros@uccs.edu |
Mary Jane Sullivan | Instructor | Philosophy | COLU 1018 | (719) 255-8122 | msulliva@uccs.edu |
Sonja Tanner, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Philosophy | COLU 4003 | (719) 255-4085 | stanner@uccs.edu |
Susan Taylor, Ph.D. | Full Professor | English | COLU 1049 | (719) 255-4036 | sbtaylor@uccs.edu |
Kee Warner, Ph.D. | Full Professor and Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Academic Affairs | Sociology | MAIN 304B | (719) 255-3203 | kwarner@uccs.edu |
Glen Whitehead, Ph.D. | Director / Associate Professor Visual and Performing Arts - Music | VAPA | UHAL 230 | (719) 255-5134 | gwhitehe@uccs.edu |
Rhonda Williams, Ph.D. | Associate Professor and Coordinator of the School Counseling Track | Counseling and Human Services | COLU 3019 | (719) 255-4167 | rwilliam@uccs.edu |
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Women's & Ethnic Studies
By teaching and modeling ways to work effectively with people and groups from various backgrounds and experiences, WEST provides students with the knowledge and skills that are applicable to a wide range of graduate or professional programs and careers. Many of our students have gone on to complete graduate degrees.
Center for the Advancement of Social Equity and Inclusion
Our mission is to examine and challenge systems of oppression and privilege in society, and implement effective solutions through comprehensive educational programming, literature, institutes, and workshops locally, nationally, and beyond.
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