My Experience in Political Science & WEST - Aidan Clark ('23)
When I started my academic career four years ago, I thought political science existed in its own little bubble. I figured I’d go to class, discuss theoretical approaches to real issues, debate political candidates, and go home.
However, when I discovered the WEST program at UCCS, my outlook on both my field and the academic world as a whole changed drastically.
From Director's Cut to Kalikot (Part Two)
Abbey Banta ('19)
Each morning the sound of drums, followed by the Nepali national anthem marked the beginning of the school day. Students marched in place, organized by grade, in their blue uniforms that displayed varying levels of wear and care. Half of the children at the school lived on campus in a hostel that, Shomi, the principal, oversaw.
Foundations of Latinx Studies
New Fall '23 Course - Dr. Julie Torres
The spring semester is flying by and before you know it, it will be time for fall registration. Speaking of fall, I will be teaching an exciting new course called Foundations of Latinx Studies (WEST 2080).
The course offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Latinx Studies.
Faculty Accomplishments
Rarely do we take time to pause and realize all that we have accomplished. WEST Faculty certainly are an active, dedicated group of scholar-teacher activists!